Our team is passionate about dentistry and committed to providing our patients with the highest quality dental care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. We take pride in our work and are dedicated to providing our patients with the best possible dental care. We believe that a healthy smile is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and we are committed to helping our patients achieve and maintain their optimal oral health.
Invisalign - Whitening - Icon - Contouring
- Invisalign to straighten the teeth
- Whitening to make them sparkle
- Icon to remove the white spot
- Edge contouring to create harmony
This smile makeover was completed just before lockdown.
10 composite veneers have been placed to improve the size, position and shape of this lady’s teeth.
This involved no drilling of her natural teeth, no injections and no pain.
Composite veneers are a great way to give you the smile you have always wanted.
This patient wanted to enhance his smile for his big day. First the teeth were aligned with @invisalign_uk clear aligners followed by home whitening and a little composite bonding.
Before & After Porcelain Veneer
Before & After Teeth Whitening
Before & After Crowns, Bridges, Veneers
Here we used composite bonding to close the gap in 1 visit for this lovely patient.
After previously having braces the gap reopened and she didn’t want to have braces again. Composite bonding is a great option as it gives amazing results with minimal time and no pain.
No pain
No drilling
No injections
We can give you the perfect smile too
This smile makeover was completed using Invisalign treatment
This patient disliked the gap between her front teeth. She had braces years ago and didn’t want them again.
In one appointment we placed composite to close the gap. There was no drilling or damage to her natural tooth and no need for injections.
Composite can be used to improve the shape, size and position of your teeth and usually there is little to no damage to your natural teeth.
Before & After Invisalign + Whitening
Before & After Composite Bonding
Before & After Teeth Whitening
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